Hybrid and remote working here to stay

The Institute of Directors (IoD) has found that a ‘large majority’ of UK business leaders plan to offer employees hybrid or remote working in the long-term.

A survey carried out by the IoD found that 84% of business leaders polled plan to provide office-based staff members with some degree of remote working. The IoD’s survey was conducted between 13 and 30 September 2023 and received 710 responses.

13% of business leaders stated they plan to offer full remote working in the long-term, whilst 18% said they will allow employees to choose how they work.

 Alexandra Hall-Chen, Principal Policy Adviser for Employment at the IoD, said: ‘Our research shows that, for a clear majority of businesses, remote and hybrid working are here to stay.

‘Against a backdrop of acute skills and labour shortages in the UK, flexible working is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to attract and retain talented staff.

‘Good flexible working policies can also support groups more likely to fall out of the workforce, such as parents and disabled people, to thrive in the workplace.’

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