Tax-Free Childcare to ease parental costs as kids return to school

As millions of children go back to school this autumn, HMRC is reminding families to not miss out on up to £2,000 a year of tax-free childcare towards their child’s wraparound care. 

Tax-Free Childcare provides financial support towards the cost of childcare for children aged 11 or under, or up to 17 if the child has a disability.  

For every £8 paid into a Tax-Free Childcare online account, families will automatically receive an additional £2 in government top-up. 

Families receive up to £500 every three months per child, or £1,000 if their child is disabled, helping towards the cost of before and after-school clubs, childminders and nurseries, holiday clubs and other approved childcare schemes. 

Families can find out what childcare support is best for them via the Childcare Choices website. 

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: ‘Tax-Free Childcare can make a big difference to families, helping with the bills for things like wraparound care for school children, nurseries, childminders and holiday clubs. It’s easy to register on GOV.UK.’ 

Need help with your accounts? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
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